Three incompetent politicians are tasked with creating a new psychiatric diagnosis as a way of controlling the masses.
Bad Science: A new devised show from the mind of Emily Bold
Three authoritarian, yet incompetent, politicians are tasked with creating a new psychiatric diagnosis as a way of controlling the masses. Donning lab coats, they become pseudo-psychiatrists and through their journey the lines of science and politics, diagnosis and policy, sanity and insanity become blurred. While a work of fiction, Bad Science is based on true instances where psychiatry has been abused for political gain.
Previously working with HOME for ‘Save Me A Seat’, Switch_MCR is a Manchester based theatre company focused on creating exciting new work and providing opportunities for emerging talent to create the work they want to see. Described as “one of the most exciting theatre companies in Manchester” (Play’s the Thing), their work ranges from comedy to horror, community workshops to award winning productions.
This performance will be creatively captioned.

Jess Edwards
Lighting Designer/Show Operator
Gabriel Clark & Isah Levi Roach
Producers for Switch_MCR